Since that last post, Rod and I have managed to ride three out of the three days--proper thing, ya. Undoubtedly, the most epic in terms of length and heat battling was Tuesday's ride. We set out on another ride recommended by Michael Barry in Canadian Cycling Magazine that was described as being 4 hours and 'rolling'. It was all of that. It turned out to be a great day--110 km in the saddle and incredibly hot. I drank seven bottles and I'm sure that wasn't enough. This ride offered an optional out and back climb called Rocacorba, but we decided that we should leave it for another day (foreshadowing) given the heat and duration. Awesome day though as we headed west and north out of Girona climbing up through the small towns of St. Gregori, Les Planes d'Hostales, and Olot and descended/climbed (rolled) south and eventually east back into Girona via Santa Pau and Banyoles. A gratifing day on the bike, but tremedously hot. PS Lunch in Olot consisted of a ham and cheeze panini and a chocolate croissant. The croissant requires some description. Do you remember 'squirt gum' when you were a kid? We were sharing one of these decadent numbers so Rod decides to break it in half and it exploded oozing chocolate. Oh, it was good. Did I mention that both outside ends of it were chocolate dipped - crazy.
The next day, the plan was to ride easy for a couple of hours and get back in time to go with the girls to the beach. All pretty much went according to plan except that I flatted (MY FIRST EVER FLAT ON THE ROAD - I actually feel some relief because now I can talk about it without the fear of jinxing myself; seriously five years of riding and zero flats until yesterday). Tube swapped, and we were back under way. The plan was to head to a town called Le Pera, former home of Salvador Dali, the famous surrealist painter. If you don't know who Dali is/was, the best way I can describe him is to say that he's the melting clocks artist...ring any bells? If not click here. Running a little behind time because of the flat, we decided to head across country to Madremanya and over the back side of the Els Angels climb from Monday's ride. It was much harder (and hotter) this way (short distance so steeper). Fun though!
Last ride was yesterday. We ventured back up to Banyoles to challenge the Rococorba climb. Fourteen kilometers at average of 6.5% doesn't sound too bad, but k's 8 and 9 are at 10.5% (which I think is steeper than anything I climbed in France) and the last 4 k's are at 8.5%. I guess you could say that it starts out fairly easy but gets very intense up top. Dave, the owner of a local bike shop told us that the pros make good use of this climb in training and actually do a time trial on is frequently. We made it to the top and were happy to find clear skies at the top for the camera. The summit actually offered 360 degree views, so we were able to see a distinctive mountain valley that we rode through on Tuesday off in the distance. Pictures taken, the descent was fast and furious. After lunch and coffee in Banyoles, we burned back into Girona (Brad Vein style - aka FULL GAS!) and managed to skirt the ridiculous rain storm that was baring down on the city. Jinx, you say? I flatted again in Banyoles and if that weren't enough the valve stem on the replacement tube failed, so had to change it again - good thing we both carry a spare tube.
If Rod and I have handled all cycling related business ;) over the past couple of day, it's been Selena and Deanna's job to make sure the beaches got invaded. They've had a great time exploring the beaches of the Costa Brava--I think they may even have had a plate of French Fries. Tops are of course optional on the Spanish beaches...actually bottoms are even so in some cases, I guess. The water is blue and warm but refreshing given the heat.
Rod and I joined them on Wednesday after our ride. We drove out to a beach city called Palamos and ended up at Platja de Castell. Last one in's a rotten egg. Pretty much your standard beach day really except for the kayak rentals. Fifteen Euros got us a tandem open kayak each for an hour and we were able too paddle around the point and through a big seacliff archway. Also paddled into a bit of a cave. Good times.
Food and Wine
This post is getting long, so I think I'll let the pictures do most of the talking here. Suffice it to say that we've lived pretty high on the hog around here over the last couple of days. First was Draps (see previous post), then was a France place for stellar crepes (mine was stuffed with sausage, cheeze and a fried egg), and lastly a Basque tapas bar called Zanpanzar. At Zanpanzar, you pick up your tapas at the bar, each with a toothpick shoved into it; you collect these toothpicks throughout the evening, then your bill is based on the number that you've collected - no we didn't 'mistakenly' let any toothpicks fall through the street grate :)
One final, major piece of news
I think I mentioned a post or two ago that our time in Girona was to be a sort of Tour de Michael...Michael Barry being one of mine and Rod's favorite pro riders. He's a Canadian from Toronto and rides for the British Team Sky. Michael is a also a writer, so we've spent a lot of time over the past few years reading about life in the pro peloton and specifically about the life of a pro cyclist living in Girona. Indeed this is what inspired us to come here in the first place. This city really is a road (and mountain) cycling mecca actually. It's very common to see (obviously) pro riders riding about town on their way to or from a training ride. It's fun; their training groups/friendships don't at all observe the boundaries of 'team'; they seem to be a big family really living and training together here in Girona. We've been lucky enough to spot a couple of Saxo Bank riders, a few Garmins, a lone BMC'er, but as you can imagine, our eyes have been peeled for our patron saint of Girona, Mr. Barry. (Rod, brace yourself for what you're about to read...I'm sorry buddy, but it happened this afternoon just outside the store where we bought the Bikecat kits.)
In keeping with the good mojo that helped me meet and ride with Lance Armstrong last year in Dublin, Ireland, I was lucky enough today to meet Michael Barry and his wife Dede as they were coming back into town from a ride. Michael just completed his first Tour de France (he's race several grand tours, World Championships, and Olympics, but 2010 was his first Tour) so I imagine he was on a little recovery spin about the area shaking out the legs. As they rode by, about 30 or so feet away from where I was walking, I recognized him and shouted, "Hey Michael!" They could easily tell that I was a fan, and true to my impression of the man that's come from reading his blog and articles, they were gracious enough to stop and chat for about 15 minutes . It was so great to be able to tell him face-to-face that we had been on what I called the "Tour de Michael" as we've enjoyed three of his four eating recommendations and three of the four riding routes that he described in the article in Canadian Cycling. They were very curious about our trip and I was able to tell them that we'd been in the Pyrenees for Stages 16 and 17 and that Rod and I had just yesterday climbed the famous Rococorba. He said his legs were a bit sore from the tour, but nothing too major or unexpected. We chatted about the local pros and their commaderie, about Selena's conquering the Col du Soulor, ah, it went on... I love this sport! In what other sport can you meet one of your heros in this way? Professional cyclist and the sport itself are so accessible. Check Ticketmaster's website for the price of Tour de France tickets--you won't find any, not because it's sold out 8 years in advance, because it's free, stupid! I'll stop now and fill you all in on the details when I see you. I did give Michael the link to this little blog, so maybe he'll throw us a comment--cyclists are like that...if he is reading this, thanks again, man - it was a real thrill meeting you two.
Check out Michael's blog here.
We travel on, our time in Girona all but done, our friends departed this morning; we plan to head south of Barcelona to check out the beaches and hopefully do a little cyclo-wine-touring. Thanks for reading (this novel) and please drop us a comment. Home in 6 days.
PS Believe it or not, I do have much more to say about Girona and would like to put more pics of the city up, so if I run into a good wifi connection in the next couple of days I'll try my best to do so.